Wolf Woman

by Holly H. Hertel

Media and Links

PupGo-1Processing A Wolf
This is a rough video of Holly Hertel (and some helpers) getting a wild wolf from her study pack out of one of her traps and then radio-collaring, marking, and taking measurements (circa 1983).





Voyageurs Wold ProjectVoyageurs Wolf Project
The Voyageurs Wolf Project is focused on understanding the summer ecology of wolves in the Greater Voyageurs Ecosystem, Minnesota, USA. Our over-arching goal is to couple cutting-edge, rigorous wolf research with highly-effective, entertaining, and engaging outreach and education.



oregonWildWolvesOregon Wild Wolves
Over the last four decades, Oregon Wild has done an immense amount of work on a variety of issues with the overriding goal of protecting Oregon’s natural heritage.





pacificWolfCoalitionPacific Wolf Coalition
To optimize an alliance of organizations and individuals dedicated to protecting wolves in the Pacific West. Together, we hold a common vision where wolves once again play a positive, meaningful, and sustainable role on the landscape and in our culture.




wolfRiverChangeHow Wolves Change Rivers (video)
This is a beautifully done documentary and has a lot of science invoked, but, of course, ecosystems aren’t quite so simple as this suggests. So, I suggest you watch and then read this illuminating article about what many of the scientists involved have to say now that wolves have been in Yellowstone for over 27 years.



odfwOregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Wolf Page
Southwestern Oregon has quite recently become populated with wolves. We now have an official wolf pack that began with our famous OR-7, who first came into this area around 2011 as the only known wolf in several decades. He was about to be decommissioned as a wolf-of-interest, that is he was thought to be a lone wolf and wouldn’t give researchers any more exciting findings, when he mated with a female wolf and puppies were discovered a few months later. Before the excitement of this announcement died down, we learned that two more adult wolves were in a nearby area and became our second official pack. But we will have to wait until summer for the patter of little puppy feet.


yellowstoneWolvesYellowstone Wolves
From 1995 to 1997, 41 wild wolves from Canada and northwest Montana were released in Yellowstone. As expected, wolves from the growing population dispersed to establish territories outside the park, where they are less protected from human-caused mortalities. The park helps ensure the species long-term viability in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (GYE) and has provided a place for research on how wolves may affect many aspects of the ecosystem. January 12, 2020, marked the 25th anniversary since wolves returned to Yellowstone.


internationalWolfCenterInternational Wolf Center
This center was developed after my wolf study ended, but is in the same area near Ely, Minnesota. It’s a wonderful place with live captive wolves to visit, loads of information, and advocacy programs to protect wolves. The center was developed by my research adviser, world-renowned wolf researcher Dr. L. David Mech.



wolfHavenWolf Haven International
A sanctuary for captive wolves that promotes understanding about wolves. This was where I came to visit two of the wolves I helped raise nine years earlier. They still remembered me and greeted me with love.




rehabEducationCenterWildlife Images Rehabilitation and Education Center
This wonderful place is close to where I live now in southern Oregon. They usually have a small captive wolf pack in an area that gives them enough hiding places to feel comfortable. The rehabilitation work is so necessary. Animals that can’t be returned to the wild are used for education in this setting.



davidMechPersonalL. David Mech official website and personal website
Dave Mech was integral to my story. He made it possible for me to study wolves and taught me much. He has done a lot for wolves through his decades-long wolf research in northeastern Minnesota, observations of a Canadian wolf pack in the arctic, advisory work for the Yellowstone Park wolf reintroduction, wolf conservation work through the World Wildlife Fund, and authoring many books about wolves. He feels that wolf populations can survive a hunting season, and believes it would actually help the wolf’s image with wolf haters. I disagree.


wwfWorld Wildlife Fund Conservation Organization
Our mission is to conserve nature and reduce the most pressing threats to the diversity of life on Earth.